
Locate and investigate problems with the Neo4j Helm chart

The rollout of the Neo4j Helm chart in Kubernetes can be thought of in these approximate steps:

  1. Neo4j Pod is created.

  2. Neo4j Pod is scheduled to run on a specific Kubernetes Node.

  3. All Containers in the Neo4j Pod are created.

  4. InitContainers in the Neo4j Pod is run.

  5. Containers in the Neo4j Pod are run.

  6. Startup and Readiness probes are checked.

After all these steps are completed successfully, the Neo4j StatefulSet, Pod, and Services must be in a ready state. You should be able to connect to and use your Neo4j database.

If the Neo4j Helm chart is installed successfully, but Neo4j is not starting and reaching a ready state in Kubernetes, then troubleshooting has two steps:

  1. Check the state of resources in Kubernetes using kubectl get commands. This will identify which step has failed.

  2. Collect the information relevant to that step.

Depending on the failed step, you can collect information from Kubernetes (e.g., using kubectl describe) and from the Neo4j process (e.g., checking the Neo4j debug log).

The following table provides simple steps to get started investigating problems with the Neo4j Helm chart rollout. For more information on how to debug applications in Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Table 1. Investigating problems with the Neo4j Helm chart rollout



Further investigation

Neo4j Pod created

If kubectl get pod <release-name>-0 does not return a single Pod result, there is a problem with the pod creation.

Describe the Neo4j StatefulSet — check the output of kubectl describe statefulset <release-name>.

Neo4j Pod scheduled

If the state, shown in kubectl get pod <release-name>-0, is stuck in Pending, there is a problem with pod scheduling.

Describe the Neo4j Pod kubectl describe pod <release-name>-0 and check the output.

Containers in the Neo4j Pod created

If the state, shown in kubectl get pod <release-name>-0, is stuck in Waiting, there is a problem with creating or starting containers.

Describe the Neo4j Pod — check the output of kubectl describe pod <release-name>-0, paying particular attention to Events.

InitContainers in the Neo4j Pod

If the state, shown in kubectl get pod <release-name>-0, is stuck in Init: (e.g.,Init:CrashLoopBackOff, Init:Error etc.), there is a problem with InitContainers.
Note that if the pod Status is PodInitializing or Running, then InitContainers have already finished successfully.

Describe the Neo4j Pod — check the output of kubectl describe pod <release-name>-0, paying particular attention to InitContainer (note the InitContainer names) and Events. Fetch InitContainer logs using kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <init-container-name>.

Containers in the Neo4j Pod running

If the state, shown in kubectl get pod <release-name>-0, does NOT match any of the states listed above, but the Pod still does not reach Running, then there is a problem running containers in the Neo4j Pod.

Describe the Neo4j Pod — check the output of kubectl describe pod <release-name>-0, paying particular attention to the Container state (note the Container names) and Events. Fetch Container logs using kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <init-container-name>. If the Neo4j Container is starting but exits unexpectedly (e.g., the state is CrashLoopBackOff), follow the instructions for Neo4j crashes or restarts unexpectedly.

Startup and Readiness Probes

If the state, shown in kubectl get pod <release-name>-0, is Running, but the pod does not become ready, there is a problem with Startup or Readiness probes.

Describe the Neo4j Pod — check the output of kubectl describe pod <release-name>-0, paying particular attention to Events and probes. Check the pod log kubectl logs <release-name>-0, the Neo4j log kubectl exec <release-name>-0 -- tail -n 100 /logs/neo4j.log, and the Neo4j debug log kubectl exec <release-name>-0 -- tail -n 500 /logs/debug.log.

Neo4j crashes or restarts unexpectedly

If the Neo4j Pod starts but then crashes or restarts unexpectedly, there are a range of possible causes. Known causes include:

  • An invalid or incorrect configuration of Neo4j, causing it to shut down shortly after the container is started.

  • The Neo4j Java process runs out of memory and exits with OutOfMemoryException.

  • There has been some disruption affecting the Kubernetes Node where the Neo4j Pod is scheduled, e.g., it is being shut drained or has shut down.

  • Containers in the Neo4j Pod are shut down by the operating system for using more memory than the resource limit configured for the container (OOMKilled).

  • Very long Garbage Collection pauses cause the Neo4j Pod LivenessProbe to fail, causing Kubernetes to restart Neo4j.

OOMKILLED and OutOfMemoryException appear very similar, but they appear in different places and have different fixes. It is important to be aware of this and be sure of which you are dealing with.

Here are some checks to help troubleshoot crashes and unexpected restarts:

Describe the Neo4j Pod

Use kubectl to describe the Neo4j Pod:

kubectl describe pod <release-name>-0`

Check the Neo4j Container state

Check the State and Last State of the container. This shows how the Last State of a container that has restarted after being OOMKilled appears:

$ kubectl describe pod neo4j-0
  State:          Running
    Started:      Mon, 1 Jan 2021 00:02:00 +0000
  Last State:     Terminated
    Reason:       OOMKilled
    Exit Code:    137
    Started:      Mon, 1 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000
    Finished:     Mon, 1 Jan 2021 00:01:00 +0000

Exit Code: 137 is indicative of OOMKilled if it appears here or in other logs, even if the "OOMKilled" string is not present.

Check recent Events

The kubectl describe output shows older events at the top and more recent events at the bottom. Generally, you can ignore older events.

A Killing event that shows that the Neo4j container was killed by the Kubernetes kubelet:
$ kubectl describe pod neo4j-0
Type    Reason       Age      From                  Message
----    ------       ----     ----                  -------
Normal  Scheduled    6m30s    default-scheduler     Successfully assigned default/neo4j-0 to k8s-node-a
Normal  Killing        56s    kubelet, k8s-node-a   Killing container with id docker://neo4j-0-neo4j:Need to kill Pod

It is not clear from this event log alone why Kubernetes decided that the Neo4j container should be killed.

The next steps in this example could be to check:

  • if the container was OOMKilled.

  • if the container failed Liveness or Startup probes.

  • investigate the node to see if there was some reason why it might kill the container, e.g.,kubectl describe node <k8s node>.

Check Neo4j logs and metrics

The Neo4j Helm chart configures Neo4j to persist logs and metrics on provided volumes. If no volume is explicitly configured for logs or metrics, they are stored persistently on the Neo4j data volume. This ensures that the logs and metrics outputs from a Neo4j instance that crashes or shuts down unexpectedly are preserved.

Collect data from a running Neo4j Pod

  • Download all Neo4j logs from a pod using kubectl cp commands:

    kubectl cp <neo4j-pod-name>:/logs neo4j-logs/
  • If CSV metrics collection is enabled for Neo4j (the default), download all Neo4j metrics from a pod using:

    kubectl cp <neo4j-pod-name>:/metrics neo4j-metrics/

Collect data from a not running Neo4j Pod

If the Neo4j Pod is not running or is crashing so frequently that kubectl cp is not feasible, the Neo4j deployment should be put into offline maintenance mode to collect logs and metrics.

Check container logs

The logs for the main Neo4j DBMS process are persisted to disk and can be accessed as described in Check Neo4j logs and metrics. However, the logs for Neo4j startup and logs for other Containers in the Neo4j Pod are sent to the container’s stdout and stderr streams. These container logs can be viewed using kubectl logs <pod name> -c <container name>.

Unfortunately, if the container has restarted following a crash or unexpected shutdown, typically, kubectl logs shows the logs for the new container instance (following the restart), and the logs for the previous container instance (the instance that shut down unexpectedly) are not available via kubectl logs.

To capture the logs for a crashing container, you can try:

  • View the container logs in a log collector/aggregator that is connected to your Kubernetes cluster, e.g., Stackdriver, Cloudwatch Logs, Logstash, etc. If you are using a managed Kubernetes platform, this is usually enabled by default.

  • Use kubectl logs --follow to stream the logs of a running container until it crashes again.