Back up an online database

Remember to plan your backup carefully and to back up each of your databases, including the system database.


A Neo4j database can be backed up in online mode using the backup command of neo4j-admin. The command must be invoked as the neo4j user to ensure the appropriate file permissions.


The neo4j-admin backup command can be used for performing both full and incremental backups of an online database. The command can be run both locally and remotely. By default, neo4j-admin backup also checks the database consistency at the end of every backup operation. However, it uses a significant amount of resources, such as memory and CPU. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the backup on a separate dedicated machine. The neo4j-admin backup command also supports SSL/TLS. For more information, see Online backup configurations.

neo4j-admin backup is not supported in Neo4j Aura.

neo4j-admin backup is not supported for use on the Fabric virtual database. It must be run directly on the databases that are part of the Fabric setup.


neo4j-admin backup  --backup-dir=<path>

Please note that the following options have been deprecated:


Values for these settings will be ignored.


Option Default Description


Target directory.


Enable verbose output.


Allow command expansion in config value evaluation.



Host and port of Neo4j.



Name of the remote database to back up.

The value can contain * and ? for globbing, in which cases, all matching databases will be backed up.

With a single * as a value, you can back up all the databases of the DBMS.



If an incremental backup fails, backup will move the old backup to <name>.err.<N> and fallback on a full backup instead.



The size of the page cache to use for the backup process.



Run a consistency check against the database backup.



Directory where consistency report will be written.



Perform consistency checks between nodes, relationships, properties, types, and tokens.



Perform consistency checks on indexes.



Perform structure checks on indexes.



This option is deprecated, and its value is ignored.



This option is deprecated, and its value is ignored.


Configuration file to provide additional or override the existing configuration settings in the neo4j.conf file.


Include metadata in the file. This cannot be used for backing up the system database. Possible values are:

- roles - include commands to create the roles and privileges (for both database and graph) that affect the use of the database. - users - include commands to create the users that can use the database and their role assignments. - all - include both roles and users. The metadata script can be found in the backup directory <database>/tools/metadata_script.cypher. [NOTE] ==== Privileges specific to the DBMS and not to the backed-up database are not included in the backup. For instance, GRANT ROLE MANAGEMENT ON DBMS TO $role will not be backed up.

Accordingly, roles and users that do not have database-related privileges are not included in the backup (e.g. those with only DBMS or no privileges).

It is recommended to use SHOW USERS, SHOW ROLES, and SHOW ROLE $role PRIVILEGES AS COMMANDS to get the complete list of users, roles and privileges in these situations. ====




Perform the recovery of the backup store by applying the latest pulled transactions. If disabled, the backup will be faster, but a recovery of the backup store will be required at a later time before restoring the data.

For more information on how to do that, see Prepare a database for restoring.

If --prepare-restore is set to false, --check-consistency is implicitly set to false, because the consistency of a non-recovered store cannot be checked.



Allow multiple threads to apply transactions to a backup in parallel. For some databases and workloads, this may reduce execution times significantly.

parallel-recovery is an experimental option. Consult Neo4j support before use.

Exit codes

Depending on whether the backup was successful or not, neo4j-admin backup exits with different codes. The error codes include details of what error was encountered.

Table 1. Neo4j Admin backup exit codes when backing up one database
Code Description




Backup failed.


Backup succeeded but consistency check failed.


Backup succeeded but consistency check found inconsistencies.

Table 2. Neo4j Admin backup exit codes when backing multiple databases
Code Description


All databases are backed up successfully.


One or several backup failed.

Online backup configurations

Server configuration

The table below lists the basic server parameters relevant to backups. Note that, by default, the backup service is enabled but only listens on localhost ( This needs to be changed if backups are to be taken from another machine.

Make this change only if you need the remote backup. If your network is not adequately isolated, this change might expose your system to threats.

Table 3. Server parameters for backups
Parameter name Default value Description



Enable support for running online backups.


Listening server for online backups.

It is not recommended to use an NFS mount for backup purposes as this is likely to corrupt and slow down the backup.

Make sure to follow the Security Configurations in order to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the DBMS by having access to the backup server.

Memory configuration

The following options are available for configuring the memory allocated to the backup client:

Configure heap size for the backup

HEAP_SIZE configures the maximum heap size allocated for the backup process. This is done by setting the environment variable HEAP_SIZE before starting the operation. If not specified, the Java Virtual Machine chooses a value based on the server resources.

Configure page cache for the backup

The page cache size can be configured by using the --pagecache option of the neo4j-admin backup command. If not explicitly defined, the page cache defaults to 8MB.

You should give the Neo4J page cache as much memory as possible, as long as it satisfies the following constraint:

Neo4J page cache + OS page cache < available RAM, where 2 to 4GB should be dedicated to the operating system’s page cache.

For example, if your current database has a Total mapped size of 128GB as per the debug.log, and you have enough free space (meaning you have left aside 2 to 4 GB for the OS), then you can set --pagecache to 128GB.

Computational resources configurations

Consistency checking

Checking the consistency of the backup is a major operation which may consume significant computational resources, such as, memory, CPU, I/O. When backing up an online database, the consistency checker is invoked at the end of the process by default. Therefore, it is highly recommended to perform the backup and consistency check on a dedicated machine, which has sufficient free resources, to avoid adversely affecting the running server.

Alternatively, you can decouple the backup operation from the consistency check (using the neo4j-admin backup option --check-consistency=false) and schedule that part of the workflow to happen at a later point in time, on a dedicated machine. Consistency checking a backup is vital for safeguarding and ensuring the quality of the data, and should not be underestimated. For more information, see Consistency checker.

To avoid running out of resources on the running server, it is recommended to perform the backup on a separate dedicated machine.

Transaction log files

The transaction log files, which keep track of recent changes, are rotated and pruned based on a provided configuration. For example, setting dbms.tx_log.rotation.retention_policy=3 files keeps 3 transaction log files in the backup. Because recovered servers do not need all of the transaction log files that have already been applied, it is possible to further reduce storage size by reducing the size of the files to the bare minimum. This can be done by setting dbms.tx_log.rotation.size=1M and dbms.tx_log.rotation.retention_policy=3 files. You can use the --additional-config parameter to override the configurations in the neo4j.conf file.

Removing transaction logs manually can result in a broken backup.

Security configurations

Securing your backup network communication with an SSL policy and a firewall protects your data from unwanted intrusion and leakage. When using the neo4j-admin backup command, you can configure the backup server to require SSL/TLS, and the backup client to use a compatible policy. For more information on how to configure SSL in Neo4j, see SSL framework.

For a detailed list of recommendations regarding security in Neo4j, see Security checklist.

The following table provides details on how the configured SSL policies map to the configured ports.

Table 4. Mapping backup configurations to SSL policies
Topology Backup target address on database server SSL policy setting on database server SSL policy setting on backup client Default port

Standalone instance





Causal cluster






It is very important to ensure that there is no external access to the port specified by the setting dbms.backup.listen_address. Failing to protect this port may leave a security hole open by which an unauthorized user can make a copy of the database onto a different machine. In production environments, external access to the backup port should be blocked by a firewall.

Cluster configurations

In a cluster topology, it is possible to take a backup from any server, and each server has two configurable ports capable of serving a backup. These ports are configured by dbms.backup.listen.address and causal_clustering.transaction_listen_address respectively. Functionally, they are equivalent for backups, but separating them can allow some operational flexibility, while using just a single port can simplify the configuration. It is generally recommended to select Read Replicas to act as backup servers, since they are more numerous than Core members in typical cluster deployments. Furthermore, the possibility of performance issues on a Read Replica, caused by a large backup, will not affect the performance or redundancy of the Core members. If a Read Replica is not available, then a Core can be selected based on factors, such as its physical proximity, bandwidth, performance, and liveness.

To avoid taking a backup from a cluster member that is lagging behind, you can look at the transaction IDs by exposing Neo4j metrics or via Neo4j Browser. To view the latest processed transaction IDs (and other metrics) in Neo4j Browser, type :sysinfo at the prompt.


The following are examples of how to back up a single database, e.g., the default database neo4j, and multiple databases, using the neo4j-admin backup command. The target directory /mnt/backups/neo4j must exist before calling the command and the database(s) must be online.

Example 1. Use neo4j-admin backup to back up a single database.
bin/neo4j-admin backup --backup-dir=/mnt/backups/neo4j --database=neo4j

To backup several databases that match database pattern you can use name globbing. For example, to backup all databases that start with n you should run:

Example 2. Use neo4j-admin backup to back up multiple databases.
neo4j-admin backup --from= --backup-dir=/mnt/backups/neo4j --database=n* --pagecache=4G

For a detailed example on how to back up and restore a database in a Causal cluster, see Back up and restore a database in Causal Cluster.