Neo4j system service

Setting the number of open files.

For instructions on how to set the number of concurrent files that a user can have open, see Setting the number of open files.


Configuration is stored in /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf. See File locations for a complete catalog of where files are found for the various packages.

Controlling the service

System services are controlled with the systemctl command. It accepts a number of commands:

systemctl {start|stop|restart} neo4j

Service customizations can be placed in a service override file. To edit your specific options, do the following command which will open up an editor of the appropriate file:

systemctl edit neo4j

Then place any customizations under a [Service] section. The following example lists default values that may be interesting to change for some users:

# The user and group which the service runs as.
# If it takes longer than this then the shutdown is considered to have failed.
# This may need to be increased if the system serves long-running transactions.

You can print the effective service, including possible overrides, with:

systemctl cat neo4j

Remember to restart neo4j if you change any settings.

systemctl restart neo4j


The neo4j log is written to journald which can be viewed using the journalctl command:

journalctl -e -u neo4j

journald automatically rotates the log after a certain time and by default it commonly does not persist across reboots. Please see man journald.conf for further details.

Uninstall Neo4j

Follow these steps to uninstall Neo4j:

  1. (Optional) Create a backup to avoid losing your data.

  2. Uninstall Neo4j:

    sudo apt remove neo4j