
Deploy a Causal Cluster with Docker Compose

You can deploy a Causal Cluster using Docker Compose. Docker Compose is a management tool for Docker containers. You use a YAML file to define the infrastructure of all your Causal Cluster members in one file. Then, by running the single command docker-compose up, you create and start all the members without the need to invoke each of them individually. For more information about Docker Compose, see the Docker Compose official documentation.



  1. Prepare your docker-compose.yml file using the following example. For more information, see the Docker Compose official Service configuration reference.

    Example 1. Example docker-compose.yml file
    version: '3.8'
      NEO4J_AUTH: neo4j/foobar  (1)
      NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members: core1:5000,core2:5000,core3:5000 (2)
      NEO4J_dbms_memory_pagecache_size: "100M" (3)
      NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_initial__size: "100M" (4)
      <<: *common
      NEO4J_dbms_mode: CORE
      NEO4J_causal__clustering_minimum__core__cluster__size__at__formation: 3
    networks: (5)
        image: neo4j:4.1-enterprise
          - lan (6)
        ports: (7)
          - "7474:7474"
          - "7687:7687"
          <<: *common-core
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address: core1:5000 (8)
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address: core1:6000 (9)
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address: core1:7000 (10)
        image: neo4j:4.1-enterprise
          - lan
          - "7475:7474"
          - "7688:7687"
          <<:  *common-core
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address: core2:5000
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address: core2:6000
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address: core2:7000
        image: neo4j:4.1-enterprise
          - lan
          - "7476:7474"
          - "7689:7687"
          <<:  *common-core
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address: core3:5000
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address: core3:6000
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address: core3:7000
        image: neo4j:4.1-enterprise
          - lan
          - "7477:7474"
          - "7690:7687"
          <<:  *common
          NEO4J_dbms_mode: READ_REPLICA
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address: readreplica1:5000
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address: readreplica1:6000
          NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address: readreplica1:7000
    1 Initial password for the container.

    For more information on Neo4j authentication, see Using NEO4J_AUTH to set an initial password and Running Neo4j as a non-root user.

    2 The values of initial_discovery_members match the advertised addresses and ports of the NEO4J_causalClustering_discoveryAdvertisedAddress setting.
    3 Setting that specifies how much memory Neo4j is allowed to use for the page cache.
    4 Setting that specifies the initial JVM heap size.

    For further information, Memory configuration.

    5 Custom top-level network.

    For more information on how and why to use custom networks, see Docker official documentation.

    6 Service-level network, which specifies the networks, from the list of the top-level networks (in this case only lan), that the server will connect to.
    7 The ports that will be accessible from outside the container - HTTP (7474) and Bolt (7687).

    For more information on the Neo4j ports, see Ports.

    8 Address (the public hostname/IP address of the machine) and port setting that specifies where this instance advertises for discovery protocol messages from other members of the cluster.
    9 Address (the public hostname/IP address of the machine) and port setting that specifies where this instance advertises for requests for transactions in the transaction-shipping catchup protocol.
    10 Address (the public hostname/IP address of the machine) and port setting that specifies where this instance advertises for Raft messages within the Core cluster.
  2. Deploy your Causal Cluster by running docker-compose up from your project folder.

  3. Open core1 at http://core1-public-address:7474.

  4. Authenticate with the default neo4j/your_password credentials.

  5. Check the status of the cluster by running the following in Neo4j Browser:


Deploy a Causal Cluster using environment variables

You can set up containers in a cluster to talk to each other using environment variables. Each container must have a network route to each of the others, and the NEO4J_causal__clustering_expected__core__cluster__size and NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members environment variables must be set for Cores. Read Replicas only need to define NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members.

Causal Cluster environment variables

The following environment variables are specific to Causal Clustering, and are available in the Neo4j Enterprise Edition:

  • NEO4J_dbms_mode: the database mode, defaults to SINGLE, set to CORE or READ_REPLICA for Causal Clustering.

  • NEO4J_causal__clustering_expected__core__cluster__size: the initial cluster size (number of Core instances) at startup.

  • NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members: the network addresses of an initial set of Core cluster members.

  • NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address: hostname/IP address and port to advertise for member discovery management communication.

  • NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address: hostname/IP address and port to advertise for transaction handling.

  • NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address: hostname/IP address and port to advertise for cluster communication.

See Settings reference for more details of Neo4j Causal Clustering settings.

Set up a Causal Cluster on a single Docker host

Within a single Docker host, you can use the default ports for HTTP, HTTPS, and Bolt. For each container, these ports are mapped to a different set of ports on the Docker host.

Example of a docker run command for deploying a cluster with 3 COREs
docker network create --driver=bridge cluster

docker run --name=core1 --detach --network=cluster \
    --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7473:7473 --publish=7687:7687 \
    --hostname=core1 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_mode=CORE \
    --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_expected__core__cluster__size=3 \
    --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members=core1:5000,core2:5000,core3:5000 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_advertised__address=localhost:7687 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_http_advertised__address=localhost:7474 \

docker run --name=core2 --detach --network=cluster \
    --publish=8474:7474 --publish=8473:7473 --publish=8687:7687 \
    --hostname=core2 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_mode=CORE \
    --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_expected__core__cluster__size=3 \
    --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members=core1:5000,core2:5000,core3:5000 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_advertised__address=localhost:8687 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_http_advertised__address=localhost:8474 \

docker run --name=core3 --detach --network=cluster \
    --publish=9474:7474 --publish=9473:7473 --publish=9687:7687 \
    --hostname=core3 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_mode=CORE \
    --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_expected__core__cluster__size=3 \
    --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members=core1:5000,core2:5000,core3:5000 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_advertised__address=localhost:9687 \
    --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_http_advertised__address=localhost:9474 \

Additional instances can be added to the cluster in an ad-hoc fashion.

Example of a docker run command for adding a Read Replica to the cluster
docker run --name=read-replica1 --detach --network=cluster \
         --publish=10474:7474 --publish=10473:7473 --publish=10687:7687 \
         --hostname=read-replica1 \
         --env NEO4J_dbms_mode=READ_REPLICA \
         --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members=core1:5000,core2:5000,core3:5000 \
         --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_advertised__address=localhost:10687 \
         --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_http_advertised__address=localhost:10474 \

Set up a Causal Cluster on multiple Docker hosts

To get the Causal Cluster high-availability characteristics, however, it is more sensible to put the cluster nodes on different physical machines.

When each container is running on its own physical machine, and the Docker network is not used, you have to define the advertised addresses to enable the communication between the physical machines. Each container must also bind to the host machine’s network. For more information about container networking, see the Docker official documentation.

Example of a docker run command for invoking a cluster member
docker run --name=neo4j-core --detach \
         --network=host \
         --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
         --publish=5000:5000 --publish=6000:6000 --publish=7000:7000 \
         --hostname=public-address \
         --env NEO4J_dbms_mode=CORE \
         --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_expected__core__cluster__size=3 \
         --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members=core1-public-address:5000,core2-public-address:5000,core3-public-address:5000 \
         --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address=public-address:5000 \
         --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address=public-address:6000 \
         --env NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address=public-address:7000 \
         --env NEO4J_dbms_connectors_default__advertised__address=public-address \
         --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_advertised__address=public-address:7687 \
         --env NEO4J_dbms_connector_http_advertised__address=public-address:7474 \

Where public-address is the public hostname or ip-address of the machine.

Please note that if you are starting a Read Replica as above, you must publish the discovery port. For example, --publish=5000:5000.

In versions prior to Neo4j 4.0, this was only necessary with Core servers.