File locations

Default file locations

The following table lists the default location of the Neo4j files, per type and distribution.

Table 1. Default file locations
File type Description Linux / macOS / Docker Windows Debian / RPM Neo4j Desktop [1]


The Neo4j running script and built-in tools, such as, cypher-shell and neo4j-admin.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/bin.

Configuration [2]

The Neo4j configuration settings and the JMX access credentials.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/conf/neo4j.conf.

Data [3]

All data-related content, such as databases, transactions, cluster-state (if applicable), and dumps.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/data.


All CSV files that the command LOAD CSV uses as sources to import data in Neo4j.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/import.

Labs [4]

Contains APOC Core.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/labs.


All Neo4j dependencies.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/lib.


The Neo4j log files.

<neo4j-home>/logs [5]


/var/log/neo4j/ [6]

From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/logs.


The Neo4j built-in metrics for monitoring the Neo4j DBMS and each individual database.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/metrics.


Custom code that extends Neo4j, for example, user-defined procedures, functions, and security plugins.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/plugins.


The processes IDs.




From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal, and navigate to <installation-version>/run.

1. Applicable to all operating systems where Neo4j Desktop is supported.

2. For details about neo4j.conf, see: The neo4j.conf file.

3. The data directory is internal to Neo4j and its structure is subject to change between versions without notice.

4. The $NEO4J_HOME/labs directory was introduced in Neo4j 4.1.1. For more information, see APOC User Guide → Installation.

5. To view neo4j.log in Docker, use docker logs <containerID/name>.

6. To view the neo4j.log for Debian and RPM, use journalctl --unit=neo4j.

Customize your file locations

The file locations can also be customized by using environment variables and options.

The locations of <neo4j-home> and conf can be configured using environment variables:

Table 2. Configuration of <neo4j-home> and conf
Location Default Environment variable Notes


parent of bin


Must be set explicitly if bin is not a subdirectory.




Must be set explicitly if it is not a subdirectory of <neo4j-home>.

The rest of the locations can be configured by uncommenting the respective setting in the conf/neo4j.conf file and changing the default value.

File permissions

The operating system user that Neo4j server runs as must have the following minimal permissions:

Read only
  • conf

  • import

  • bin

  • lib

  • plugins

  • certificates

Read and write
  • data

  • logs

  • metrics

  • run

  • all files in bin