

Neo4j’s Causal Clustering provides three main features:

  1. Safety: Core Servers provide a fault tolerant platform for transaction processing which will remain available while a simple majority of those Core Servers are functioning.

  2. Scale: Read Replicas provide a massively scalable platform for graph queries that enables very large graph workloads to be executed in a widely distributed topology.

  3. Causal consistency: when invoked, a client application is guaranteed to read at least its own writes.

Together, this allows the end-user system to be fully functional and both read and write to the database in the event of multiple hardware and network failures and makes reasoning about database interactions straightforward.

In the remainder of this section we will provide an overview of how causal clustering works in production, including both operational and application aspects.

Operational view

From an operational point of view, it is useful to view the cluster as being composed of servers with two different roles: Cores and Read Replicas.

causal clustering
Figure 1. Causal Cluster Architecture

The two roles are foundational in any production deployment but are managed at different scales from one another and undertake different roles in managing the fault tolerance and scalability of the overall cluster.

Core Servers

The main responsibility of Core Servers is to safeguard data. Core Servers do so by replicating all transactions using the Raft protocol. Raft ensures that the data is safely durable before confirming transaction commit to the end user application. In practice this means once a majority of Core Servers in a cluster (N/2+1) have accepted the transaction, it is safe to acknowledge the commit to the end user application.

The safety requirement has an impact on write latency. Implicitly writes will be acknowledged by the fastest majority, but as the number of Core Servers in the cluster grows so do the size of the majority needed to acknowledge a write.

In practice this means that there are relatively few machines in a typical Core Server cluster, enough to provide sufficient fault tolerance for the specific deployment. This is calculated with the formula M = 2F + 1 where M is the number of Core Servers required to tolerate F faults. For example:

  • In order to tolerate two failed Core Servers we would need to deploy a cluster of five Cores.

  • The smallest fault tolerant cluster, a cluster that can tolerate one fault, must have three Cores.

  • It is also possible to create a Causal Cluster consisting of only two Cores. However, that cluster will not be fault-tolerant. If one of the two servers fails, the remaining server will become read-only.

Should the cluster suffer enough Core failures then it can no longer process writes and it will become read-only to preserve safety.

Read Replicas

The main responsibility of Read Replicas is to scale out graph workloads. Read Replicas act like caches for the graph data that the Core Servers safeguard and are fully capable of executing arbitrary (read-only) queries and procedures.

Read Replicas are asynchronously replicated from Core Servers via transaction log shipping. They will periodically poll an upstream server for new transactions and have these shipped over. Many Read Replicas can be fed data from a relatively small number of Core Servers, allowing for a large fan out of the query workload for scale.

Read Replicas should typically be run in relatively large numbers and treated as disposable. Losing a Read Replica does not impact the cluster’s availability, aside from the loss of its fraction of graph query throughput. It does not affect the fault tolerance capabilities of the cluster.

Causal consistency

While the operational mechanics of the cluster are interesting from an application point of view, it is also helpful to think about how applications will use the database to get their work done. In an application we typically want to read from the graph and write to the graph. Depending on the nature of the workload we usually want reads from the graph to take into account previous writes to ensure causal consistency.

Causal consistency is one of numerous consistency models used in distributed computing. It ensures that causally related operations are seen by every instance in the system in the same order. Consequently, client applications are guaranteed to read their own writes, regardless of which instance they communicate with. This simplifies interaction with large clusters, allowing clients to treat them as a single (logical) server.

Causal consistency makes it possible to write to Core Servers (where data is safe) and read those writes from a Read Replica (where graph operations are scaled out). For example, causal consistency guarantees that the write which created a user account will be present when that same user subsequently attempts to log in.

causal clustering drivers
Figure 2. Causal Cluster setup with causal consistency via Neo4j drivers

On executing a transaction, the client can ask for a bookmark which it then presents as a parameter to subsequent transactions. Using that bookmark the cluster can ensure that only servers which have processed the client’s bookmarked transaction will run its next transaction. This provides a causal chain which ensures correct read-after-write semantics from the client’s point of view.

Aside from the bookmark everything else is handled by the cluster. The database drivers work with the cluster topology manager to choose the most appropriate Core Servers and Read Replicas to provide high quality of service.


In this section we have examined Causal Clustering at a high level from an operational and an application development point of view. We now understand that the Core Servers are responsible for the long-term safekeeping of data while the more numerous Read Replicas are responsible for scaling out graph query workloads. Reasoning about this powerful architecture is greatly simplified by the Neo4j drivers which abstract the cluster topology to easily provide read levels like causal consistency.