Reloading my Beergraph – using an in-graph-alcohol-percentage-index

Reloading my Beergraph – using an in-graph-alcohol-percentage-index What happened beforeAs  you may remember, I created a little beer graph some time ago to experiment and have fun with beer, and graphs. And yes, I have been having LOTS of fun… Read more →


Graph Cafe’s starting in Belgium and Netherlands

Let’s expand the Graph – with BeerI guess I can no longer keep it a secret: I really do like beer. And Graphs. So every opportunity I get I will try to talk about both. Try to shut me up… Read more →


Fun with Beer – and Graphs

I make no excuses: My name is Rik van Bruggen, and I am a salesperson. I think it is one of the finest and nicest professions in the world, and I love what I do. I love it specifically, because… Read more →
